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Work begins at Abermule Business Park - SWG

Work begins at Abermule Business Park

Hot off the heels of completing our biggest project to date - SWG Group is embarking on an even larger design and build project. We are proud to have started work on a nine-unit business park in Abermule, which will provide flexible options for start-up businesses and local companies, boosting the local economy and improving local employment prospects.

The project includes designing and building the park on a brownfield site in the village between Welshpool and Newtown.

This is our biggest project to date and we’re very pleased to be able to help create this much needed facility in the area.

We have been working with Powys County Council to get the project up and running since we were appointed principal contractor – the council recognised the need for this and have also chosen us to install renewable and low carbon energy sources.

We have designed and will build an effective and efficient facility, along with associated groundworks, as sustainable as possible which take into consideration the surrounding area.

The work also includes building on and increasing the native species planting of the adjacent North Powys Bulking Facility across the whole site.

SWG employees and contractors are very much looking forward to playing our part in creating jobs and a worthwhile use of the land.

Councillor Phyl Davies, Cabinet Member for Property, said: “Seeing the plans for the Abermule Business Park come to life is excellent. As part of our Vision 2025, we want to create a vibrant economy and this high-quality development will positively contribute to the economy of Powys.
“The business park will also contribute towards the Welsh Government’s Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, which states that ‘a prosperous Wales’ will be achieved, in part, through an innovative, productive and low carbon society with an economy which generates wealth and provides employment opportunities.”