

SWG Homes is passionate about building high specification, energy efficient homes to exacting and high-quality.


SWG Homes is a growing subsidiary of SWG Group, buying and developing land independently, combining the expertise and experience of the wider group to deliver superb professional results.

Operating throughout the Powys region, SWG Homes is passionate about building high specification, energy efficient homes to exacting and high-quality standards to ensure that each home delivered is completed to the customer’s desired standard.

Our team has experience in developing traditional build homes, timber framed homes, modular and passive house designs. The safeguarding of the environment is a key consideration, and we are keenly aware of our responsibilities regarding biodiversity and geodiversity.

The division can assist customers through assessment of the possibilities for land, undertake detailed feasibility studies, and can offer a range of legal agreements from outright purchase to option agreements and conditional contracts.





Take a look inside our latest development.

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